Monday, 29 July 2013


This is a blog-post about TV series... and not even about the economics of it (Matt Yglesias did that late last June at the time of James Gandolfini's sad death) but about which series I liked and didn't like and why.

I don't know why exactly but, this past month, I have had this urge to classify and comment on TV series since the Sopranos revolutionised the format (TV series by the way are not TV shows! FrasierFriends, let alone Jon Stewart's Daily Show, which I've seen included in others' lists are not the subject here) and, without a proper website to do so, I figured this blog was as good a place as any for it.

Minor housekeeping note: I shall probably start using tags for my blog-posts. This one will be the first with a 'Miscellaneous' tag...

Anyhow, on to the good stuff! And, no, despite the banner-head, Game of Thrones is not first!

NB: There's good stuff I have heard about but I haven't seen - The West Wing, Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, The Office etc etc. They're not on the list or commented upon but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like them...

Monday, 22 July 2013


This is a quick blog-post about two articles from the opposite side of the spectrum that I ended up liking regarding profits and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

During my MBA at the London Business School, we had to take an Ethics class and, while I loved it, I remained convinced that looking for ethical behaviour from companies was nonsense... unless ethical behaviour led to higher profits or, vice-versa, unethical behaviour led to lower profits. To quote Ambrose Bierce, "Piracy is Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it".

Monday, 15 July 2013


“You are a sneaking Puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by Laws which rich Men have made for their own Security...”

Attributed to the pirate Captain Bellamy, 1717

This is going to be my first foray into development economics in this blog.

What with the crisis and stuff, I never got around to write much about this branch of economics and yet I think it stands to be interesting precisely because development economics is forced to deal with the reality of countries trying (and often failing) to grow or catch up and thus it is forced to include the dreaded political and even cultural (gasps) factors into its analysis.

I would like to consider more specifically the case of Somalia because, well, if there is a basket case of a nation, this is it.

Monday, 1 July 2013


This is another one of those blog-post I meant to write a long time ago and never quite got around to doing it. In this case, though, there is more than mere procrastination at play.

Immigration and trade are difficult areas for me - I generally favour positions away from most of the mainstream economists and from what is classically termed 'the liberal elites', a group I would feel I naturally belong to if it wasn't for my lack of an upper class income.

Still, I shall soldier on and hope that, despite contradicting and disagreeing with everyone, I don't end up making a fool of myself. Since we're in the middle of the US Congress attempting to reform its immigration policies, I will first concentrate on the issue of immigration.